Something happened a few days ago in Qualinesti, and it seems to be affecting the whole world. The stars and sun erratic form is obvious, but as the adventurers venture forth, magic a staple of adventuring power, is seemingly being leeched or drained. To clerics it seems as though their communication with their gods is intermittent and staticy. To sorcerers and bards, the arcane power that fills their voice and blood, seems thinner and less robust. To wizards, the spells they prepare occasionally are not able to be coalesced into their full potential. Were magic to be water filling a bucket, the bucket in the weave of magic has a leak. (picture related)
The two non-magic users are likely slapping each other on their back, as magic is not such an issue to their strength. However the GM has seen it fit to make an equalizer.
For what ever reasons, yet to be unveiled, every person in the party is experiencing a drain in magic. For casters their magic is being leeched from their innermost source, themselves. The fighter and barbarian however are unknowingly being drawn upon by the same leeching force. Since no magic is in their body or soul, the leeching extends to items on their person. This (randomly decided) may or may not effect those players magical items. It (randomly decided) may effect a certain number of items. Items with no charges such as weapons, and armor are effectively made into just masterwork items. Bags of holding will temporarily trap items within, and simply be a pouch, etc. Items that are charged based or consumables, simply become inert items with no magical properties. Item hardness, and other magically enhanced properties are also taken away.
This effect is somewhat like a dispel magic effect on a permanency enhanced item. For one day, that item simply loses its magical dweomer. After that 24 hour period is up it regains the properties, however may be (randomly decided) losing its properties for another day.
To role out these rules, non-magical PC's will make a list of all items on their person. This means any items commonly stowed with the person. Like casters a percentile check will be made to determine the number of items. However unlike the casters, the non-magical PC will not know which items have lost their magical power. The GM will use the PC generated list and take note on which items have lost their enhancement. Some will be obvious, like an item that sheds light, or an item that buffs strength. Wands, and potions will not be obvious, and could present some interesting circumstances.
Any attempt to "load" casters with items, in the hopes of preserving their magical qualities has already been anticipated. Some items that lose power, will start their day as such. However since this is about the magical weave in Krynn, a non-magical PC may carry with them a static amount of "suction." Ergo, Sabellion loses the magical effects of his headlamp, and bag of holding at the beginning of the day. Unknown to him is that he has one static suction charge. When Newin hands him her trusty longbow +1, the item promptly loses its power due to this suction that is left over.
You may post questions as you see fit, and ask any at tonight's session. Below I will post the tables I will use for magic and non-magic PC's, a general rule, a high % check is bad, and low is good.
How to use. Casters: Before preparation, role to determine spells, or slots missing for the day. For each spell or slot lost, role a dice for each spell level possessed, 0th level spells do not count. Example, Maive has 1st through 5th level cleric spells available. She will rolled a d5 for each spell lost, because that is how far her magical repertoire extends. For preparation based casters, knowing which levels of spells you are missing happens BEFORE preparation, this entitles you to make adjustments with your spells beforehand. If a magic slot is leeched, this also means it can not be spontaneously used as a spell as well.
Magic Users (Preparation based Spell Casters) Maive, Raxt, Newin
Percentile check Spells Lost
01-44 = 0
45-60 = 1
61-80 = 2
81-95 = 3
96-99 = 4
100 = 5
Magic Users (Non-Preparation based Spell Casters) Sasha, Crimwinkle
Percentile check Spells Lost
01-20 = 0
21-44 = 1
45-60 = 2
61-80 = 3
81-95 = 4
96-99 = 5
100 = 6
How to use Non-Casters: Roll a percentile, and submit a list of all magical items to the GM. The GM will roll to decide what items lose power, using a dice with sides equal to the number of magical items you have. Then the GM will tell you of any obvious magic leaks in your gear. Some very powerful items, +2 and +3 weapons, or gear, may take more than 1 point of magic leech, which is both a blessing and a curse.
Magic Users (Non-Magic Members) Sabellion, Cordek, Flidder<=(have anything magical?)
Percentile check Magic Items Effected Lost
01-44 = 0
45-60 = 1
61-80 = 2
81-95 = 3
96-99 = 4
100 = 5
See ya'll soon. Game Hard, Game Well, and bundle up, its cold in the basement.
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