Baleful Polymorph ^^^
Let me get right to the skinny of this blog post. Your PC's are mortals. Amazing mortals yes, but indeed at the end of the day you all can expire. I bring this up not for the purpose of stating the obvious, but because PC death is starting to look like a very real thing. Before with PC death, the casualties were limited to two and there were willing and able bodies ready to aid in the resurrection process.
I have been perusing the various deziens of the dungeon you are currently in. A few mentionable entries and the boss "Mokmurian," are all potentially deadly. Not to one PC but to the whole gang. TPK is a phrase that some have been tossing around.
Just like in RL, when planning for death you want a will. For PC's this will means an understanding of what new character you may have to roll if the circumstances arise. I am not again guaranteeing anything, but the statistical probability of TPK has been higher with this dungeon than ever. SO HERE IS WHAT TO DO....
1. Think of new classes you may want to play, even if there is not a TPK people can always pull a Nicodemus and try something new.
2. Discuss party balance with the group. If you all simultaneously decide to be tanks, then the party will be doomed to fail, with a lack of heals, etc.
3. Consider new classes offered by Paizo, the cavalier, the oracle, the witch and the summoner. This will be new and exciting, and allow me to give feedback to the forums to help them shape the new face of 3.75. (I can provide links if needed)
4. Let me know, individually and as a group your plans. I will try to have a contingency plan in the event of a TPK. My readiness will be based on how much I have discussed things with the group.
5. DO NOT in any circumstance, drag ass in an attempt to have your character killed. It is irresponsible to the party, and will draw GM aggro as well as multiple facepalm points.
However time and again you have surprised me with your ingenuity and skill in over coming big obstacles. As you get higher level the stakes get raised too, this is when the game can get truly exciting. I expect a good fight with Mokmurian and his cronies. Just be prepared for, disintegrate, finger of death, quickened 3rd level spells, limited wish, and baleful polymorph, because the GM is throwing down the gauntlet.
Im thinking we're fighting a 14th level sorcerer. we are screwed. Anytime we face magic, we fail horribly. so, if RJ gets his long awaited TPK i would like to be a fighter.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what I'll be if Sabellian kicks it, but I don't foresee that happening anytime soon.
Sabellion... do you know what "finger of death" does? Failed save would be 140 damage, passed save is 3d6 +14 damage, AND if you go down from either damage you are awarded three demerits. Nobody has 140 HP. Its a fort save, however the DC is around 24 I think. 24!! that's hard to do, about 50% chance for your fighter that has a cloak of resistance +3. Then there is disintegrate, averages about 98 damage with out a save.
ReplyDeleteIn the end what I am saying is that I think you are going to be evenly matched, which makes for a good fight, but a lot of risk. Oh and BTW the treasure is fucking TITS. So the risk is worth it. You might even find out more about the rune tattoos/brands. Ultimately, I am excited for when it happens.
Try not to kill us until next week so I can be there for the TPK =D
ReplyDeleteSabellion brings up a good point. This week is not the super hard, potential TPK, there are some hard monsters, but the boss happens when you find him, which is by my estimation, 2-3 weeks out, Like a Christmas present.
ReplyDeleteIf Maieve dies I guess I'd go for a witch as the DM says it's similar to a warlock and I LOVE playing warlocks. Maieve would consider dieing in battle to be a fitting and honorable death, but she also has a family to think about...*tear*....I don't want my character to die...but I also think the "somebody's gunna die tonight" hat may make a return for this boss battle.
ReplyDeleteThe other day i remembered that i never included the favored class skill/hit point, so Cordek now has 118 hit points. When raging he has 136. Thats almost 140.
ReplyDeletethat would suck to have to make another character after you JUST made one.
ReplyDeleteHAHA it'd be a HUGE slap in the face, aka DONT CHANGE CLASS BEFORE BOSS
ReplyDeleteIf, on the off chance that we die, I think we should all be monks/paladins and just go on a tarrasque hunting spree, any takers?
ummmm no...'cause being a witch looks wicked cool (i just read up on them)
ReplyDeleteOk, I think I know the kill order for that boss (assuming level 14 sorcerer/wizard):
ReplyDelete1. Cordek
2. Sabellian
3. Sasha
4. Newin
5. Flidder
6. Ransbur
7. Maiev
I won't say how or what spells, but basically we have 1 dead person at the end of the second round, 2 at 3rd, and it gets worse from there, so we gotta hustle if we gonna kill it and emerge unscathed. RJ DON'T GET ANY FUNNY IDEAS FROM THIS!
Kill order is all wrong, its all based on threats. Women in the party die first then the bard, then the melee.