That is what the sun now looks like ^^^
Hey gang,
Well last session was certainly fun, and it was great to have Tim there too. One of his first combat actions, basically counter spelled a 6th level spell. First impressions are everything, and that was a good one. Word on the street is that a Wizard will be soon joining as a PC, the party no doubt knows the value of arcane users, as Sasha has gotten you out of many jams, and is merely a cohort.
We have some logistical stuff to go over. Our next two dates are the 23rd, and the 30th, respectively. I know this is a holiday sandwich, however neither of them are holidays. Let me know your availability on the blog or via text message, and I'll then send a mass text message out about these two dates.
For those of you whom know my family to some extent, the 23rd is Parvo's birthday. I don't have anything special planned, but if we play and you see him say Happy Birthday!
I know late last session I kinda dropped a bomb on you about the sky, and it was sort of rushed. However I want the moment to be breathtaking, eerie, and memorable, so I'll write what happens to the group. (IE I drone you for about 25 minutes)
“The smell of Mokmurian's hall was of old books, and burning hair. You glanced about, staring towards the exit, after you grew bored of the Thasilonian library. Faint echoes, of yells, combat, and terror could be heard. The battle hardened party, listened with puzzlement. There was some combat, but there was more fear in the voices. An army would not react in such a way, the sound was like Sandpoint when it was raided by stone giants. There was fear, confusion, and despair.
Flidder shuffled uncomfortably, and raise his snout in the air. “The air, from outside, it smells different, proceed with caution,” he said in his strong resolute voice. Crimwinkle scratched behind his ear, noticing that all Flidder's fur was on end.
The party gathered their belongings, and loot. The next ten minuets was spent figuring out the tunnels under Jorgenfist. Maive with her handy map drawn on the hide of a slain lamia, successfully navigated the group out of the tunnels. Normally the party would meet a cluster of giants, or other bad guys in about every chamber. Now they were empty, fires still burned, tables with freshly cooked meat sat half devoured on giant sized tables. Every step closer to the ramp leading out of the tunnels and into the courtyard of Jorgenfist, the noise grew. Even the muscle bound Sabellion and Cordek, gripped their weapon hilts tighter, for the cacophony rose in terror.
The group cautiously climbed up the ramp. The sky was now visible. The bard stuttered, “but Conna said, we'd strike at noon...” There were no clouds, the was no sun light, more shocking there was no sun. The heavens above looked like a swarm of shooting stars that never ended. They shed enough light for it to appear as dusk, and some heat as though it were noon, but the sun was not high in the sky where it normally would be.
Around you was the huge courtyard of Jorgenfist. A series of small camps, and towers filled this area, making it hard to see everything in the sky. Small fights and more terrified screaming could be heard. However the sight was so remarkable, that everything seemed like a dream.
The party silently stumbled through the now broken gates of Jorgenfist, mouths agape. Outside the courtyard it was more quiet. There were dark figures, giant running about, but little heed was paid to the heroes of Omach. You all walked stunned in silence to a small knoll, where you all sat down and watched the heavenly spectacle.
Some in the party could see a few stars still stationary, however within minutes they joined the swirling mass of stars. To the arcanists, the sky looked like a thousand dancing light spells. To the strong men, it looked as though someone knocked them hard on they head, and the dizzying stars now fill the skies, not their eyes. To the ladies of the cloth, it looked like their gods had forsaken them.
In the silence, it was Flidder's voice that first broke the somber viewing. “If you think the skies are bad, you should know what it smells like,” Flidder said, as he buried his snout in between his front paws.”
Now I know I droned you out of Jorgenfist, and the party was likely to snoop around for more treasure, and secrets, I will add this to a standard experience and treasure reward for defeating the giant army. I know that you were able to see the giants going too and fro. Consider the lights to have effected you, as though suggested for a small while. There was a reason why the giants were not nearly as effected as you were, and that is up for you to investigate.
I know at this point you will all be wondering what to do, even as a GM that is hard to discern. Here are a few I could come up with.
Cordek - Your tribe will likely need you to visit, to report and to talk about what's going on.
Sabellion – Report to Sandpoint, and get back to Omach, or Fort Rannick.
Maieve – Same as Sabellion, also curious about Nicodemus. Pray to Gorum.
Crimwinkle – Same as Sabellion, get to a library to research this occurrence.
Obviously there are other things you may wish to do. Fret not, some one with some answers is on the way. Given the strange nature of the celestial bodies there are some new rules about vision.
When the sky is clear is is a tad brighter than dusk or dawn.
Normal vision extends to 120 feet, but gets to dark after that.
Low-Light vision works perfectly fine in these conditions, consider it moonlight.
Darkvison ONLY, see normal vision, which will perform better than darkvision.
When there are clouds, consider it two shades away from pitch black. Normal darkness rules applies in this situation.
Secondly with out the sun, or the moon (yes that is gone too), time of day gets a bit wonky. Think of the Underdark in Faerun. The best chance you have is a spell with an hourly duration to help show the passage of time or a water clock. This screwed up sky situation is global, and may have more implications, like for navigation or growth of crime.
Congratulations, Zin-Shala has awoken. :-)
PS next post will have additional loot and XP for Mokmurian and bonus for defeating a whole Giant army.
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