Yes, its true, the campaign does have an end, and as the GM, this end is in sight. I pledge to make every moment exciting and intriguing as possible.
For the time being, we have some custodial pieces of information to go over. Historical markers, cohorts, and a possible lay over of an indefinite amount of time.
First order of business is simple. Yes level up your cohorts, the only person that needs my individual attention is Sasha, as I do not believe that Newin has any class options that I need to pick for her. Flidder may be up for a new feat, I'll pick that if that is the case as well.
Second order of business, is there a layover, and how will characters who have role playing implications deal with the new crunch in time. Let me first say this, finding the information in the Library of Omach will not be an easy or quick task. It is important however to get someone to get the ball rolling on research. You have the benefit of multiple people with the sending spell, a wizard with teleport, a rod that allows teleportation between two points in the world, one of which can be conveniently carried to Omach. Worse comes to worse you even have friendly neighbor dragons that could get you to Omach in 12 hours is the need presented itself.
I am guaranteeing you that everyone, even the wizard will have some time to burn, make items, buy items, sell items. With the world ending in at least 30 days, there is no reason not to burn gold you have laying around. Unlike most commoners, or even higher level NPC's that own magic item stores, you know the world is going to end soon, they don't. So next session have an idea of how you want to spend your time before the apocalypse... I have to admit, saying that as a GM is kind of fun. :-)
Last order of business, I made this listing of historical markers, mostly for the benifit of Raxt who will be viewing much of the related research into "Gilean's Roost" and "Plintorus' Scale." It also goes over known history, a piece of information seldom asked for, but none the less interesting and needed for heroes that likely will find a place of thier own in the annals of time.
As a point of reference date wise there are a few periods of years, divided by ages. The beginning of the "First Age" according to historians began with the unification of Thasilonian Lands, the end coming with the catastrophic end of the Thasilonian Age.
The second age began with the age of storms, wherein particularly nasty weather, froze, flooded, made famines and droughts that largely kept free peoples from unifying. The second age ended with the cessation of these hard times for all peoples.
The third age started with the conquests of many lands, now open due to the breaking of bad weather. This third age is called "The Ascension of Gods," because all peoples, good or ill gave thanks often to their gods for the many bounties, and the good weather. This third age ended roughly 300 years ago, the reason is often debated in historical circles, however the harbinger of Gorum will gladly tell you it was because the people of Krynn turned their back on their gods in their pride.
Many progressive historians are now calling for a new forth age because dragons have returned to the lands after sleeping for hundreds of years and the power of the gods has returned. Some still argue that the 300 year period, though comparatively smaller than other ages, was distinct enough to have its own name and age. The following will furnish the various ages, and their dates, as well as the two current ways of marking dates as accepted by historians.
Orthodox Historical Measure
1 TR - 1123 TR (Thasilonian Rule - First Age)
1 WA - 876 WA (Weather's Affliction - Second Age)
1 MT - 2569 MT (Many Thanks - Third Age)
1 AK - 325 AK (Abandoned Krynn - Fourth Age)
Progressive Historical Measure
1 TR - 1123 TR (Thasilonian Rule - First Age)
1 WA - 876 WA (Weather's Affliction - Second Age)
1 MT - 2569 MT (Many Thanks - Third Age)
1 AK - 322 AK (Abandoned Krynn - Fourth Age)
1 DR - 3 DR (Divine Return - Fifth Age)
As always, game hard, game well, see you Friday!
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