Hey gang I made some spells, I took the concepts from OLD TSR magic tomes. I am now done my 1st level effort enough to call these spells a beta test for 1st level magic (as that is the only type of spells you will all be dealing with for a while) It should be notes that a few spells are 2nd level for some casters, or are second level altogether. That happened because while making the spell I decided that it belonged as a second level spell.
You can add comments if you'd like, now that I am done. I am sure there will be some inconsistencies with format, spelling errors and syntax problems that make it hard to understand the spell. Really this was an effort to find some more spell options for our spell casters especially our witch, and to make the campaign setting more unique (note some of the names) Enjoy!
Elmer's Fantastic Adhesion
School: Transmutation
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, Brd 1, Wit 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 min / level
Area: Two objects, connecting by 1 square inch
Saving Throw: Harmless, Reflex negates
Spell Resist: Yes
This spell makes two unattached objects adhere to each other. As part of the full round to cast the spell, the caster must touch the area where the magical adhesive appears, and connect the two objects holding them together until the caster's turn comes up again. At the conclusion of the full round casting time, the two objects are connected by strong magical bonds. The glue can hold another object fast, bearing up to 500lbs + 50lbs per caster level. The strength needed to break the glue is determined by the caster's level; Str DC 15 + 1 for every two caster levels.
Material Components: Pinch of powdered horse hoof.
Undead Eyes
School: Necromancy
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, Wit 1, Clc 1 (negative energy)
Range: Medium
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Duration: 10 min/level
Area: One corporeal undead
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resist: None
Uttering a few dark word, and focusing on the indicated undead, the caster gains sensory input of the chosen undead. This of course assumes that the chosen undead still has the anatomy preserved well enough to be used.
At the time of casting, one of the five senses, and an additional sense for each three caster levels beyond the first, is chosen to be relayed to the caster. Though the spell does not have to be focused on at all time, it does require complete concentration by the caster to see, hear, smell, taste, smell, or feel through the undead.
Furthermore simple commands can be given to the undead, as though under the command spell. This command effect lasts one round, and effectively ends the spell. If the caster created the undead being used for the spell then there is no save, however if the undead is not the creation of the caster then the target is allowed a will save to negate the command portion of the spell, however the sensory input has no save associated.
This spell was created long ago by necromancers and evil clerics to monitor the status of undead armies. Though casting the spell is not an evil action, it is most useful to those who have just freshly created undead, as their ability to relay information is more intact.
Material Components: A small bit of brain matter from any mammal.
School: Enchantment (Madness)
Level: Brd 1, Wit 1
Range: Touch
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Duration: 1 minute / +1 minute / 2 levels
Area: Living Intelligent creature touched
Saving Throw: Will negates (-2 penalty)
Spell Resist: None
The target of this spell must be, drugged, drunk, unconscious, or sleeping for this spell to work. After the caster touches the inebriated creature, and rings a brass bell lightly, the creature may start babbling away. If the creature is awake, it must be drugged or drunk enough to not be able know what is going around him or her. If it fails its save, it will begin speaking randomly, with all and any languages it has. What it says can not be steered by the caster or anyone nearby, only the machinations of its own dreams and memories may direct its speech.
The usefulness of this spell beyond pranking is that there is a chance that what it says may be familiar, or of use to the people listening. It could be names (only nick names, people don't care for formality in their dreams) passwords, even directions to a secret location. Chances for comprehensible information depends on the familiarity of the audience to the target,
Just met – 15%
Acquaintances – 20 %
Friendly – 25%
Great Friends / Family – 40%
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, Brd 1, (knowledge)
Range: 10' radius
Components: V, M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Duration: 10 minute / level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resist: None
Cost: 10gp per page of prepared parchment
This incantation makes all spoken words, or any language, appear onto specially prepared pages within the range of the caster. The person closest to the center of the spell is the person who gets priority if two people are talking. Even if the language is not understood by the caster, it will appear on the page in its native alphabet.
Every three minutes of speech translates into one page of prepared parchment. This spell is used often used for making contracts, or maybe even catching spell trigger activation words. This spell can not be used to capture magical incantations, ergo no recopying scrolls as they are used.
Gulak's Bath
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, (Community)
Range: Water touched
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Duration: 1 hour
Area of Effect: 100 gallons of water
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resist: None
The touched water becomes warm and soap, while unseen hands scrub any corporeal creature withing the magical water. The spell is very useful for cleaning pets, odorous monsters, and water based creatures.
The spell was created after Tianna, a dock master of Fort Rannick, begged Raxt, the resident Arch-Mage to make a spell to make cleaning her ward Gulak easier. After some research, Raxt came up with a marketable solution, that both cleans, and leave native fish and aquatic wildlife safe.
Chromatic Orb, White
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, (Sun)
Range: Close
Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 1 standard
Duration: Instantaneous and 1/min level
Area of Effect: Creature or Object targeted
Saving Throw: Will halves damage; partial
Spell Resist: None
Cost: 10g worth of mica
In the palm of the caster's hand a marble sized bead of soft light glows. When hurled at an opponent; through a ranged touch attack, the burst of light causes a small amount of damage and can even make the subject shed light as though under the light spell. It may deal 1d4 light based damage, however a will save could halve the damage, and another subsequent save can negate the effects of being lit up, if the creature desires. The light effect makes the creature take a -20 on sight based stealth checks, and negates the effect of darkness for the purposes of concealment, as though under Faerie Fire.
This long forgotten spell was used in the Time of Storms, where druids held great clout for their ability to control the weather. Wizards worked on a spell to retort for the the Druid's exclusive Faerie Fire. Though not as effective against concealment, the bit of damage was decided as the best wizard-like reproduction of the spell.
This spell requires 10 gp worth of ground mica, from which the light springs forth.
Ward Vapor
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, Clc 2, (protection 1)
Range: Self or creature touched
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: none; see note
Spell Resist: None
Adventures deal with many hazards, not the least of which is foul smells and noxious odors. By casting this spell, the creature touch or caster is encased in a small protective bubble, that hedges out all foreign airborne matter. This will negate any foul smell, and even allow for temporary breathing in areas where there is not enough oxygen, though it will not work underwater or suspended in a solid.
Spells that manifest themselves as vapors or clouds can be kept out, but the caster must make an opposed caster level check versus the offending spell caster's spell.
Gaseous creatures or creatures under the Gaseous Form spell must make a will save, otherwise they are not allowed withing the protected caster's area.
The material component of this spell is a sprig of mint leaves.
Cunning Swipe
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, (war)
Range: Close
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: On corporeal creature
Saving Throw: None, versus CMD
Spell Resist: Yes
For the tactically minded caster, Cunning Swipe, is used as a method to telekinetically delivering one of the following combat manuever checks, bull rush, disarm, or trip. The caster needs to simply declare which attempt he or she is making, then focus on the target for a full round.
At the conclusion of the full round concentration, the caster makes a CMB check, using her caster level instead of a base attack bonus, and her spell casting requisite bonus (Int for Wizards etc.) in leiu of her Strength bonus. The caster also gets an additional +2 to the CMB if the target is unaware of what spell is being cast at him, and an additional +2 if that creature is engaged in melee already.
If used a second time on the same target within 24 hours, the target gets a +4 on his CMD, because he is aware of this spell being possibly used again.
Ambulance Aid
Level: Clc 1, Drd 1, Wit 1
Range: 1 creature touched / 3 levels
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3 rounds
Duration: 2 hours / level
Saving Throw: none harmless
Spell Resist: Yes
During the time of Many Thanks, many small wars were waged. Healers were often times called upon to help tend to wounded, and serve rites for the dead. In particularly gruesome wars, horses and hand carts were not enough to carry off all the dead. Some cleric of Gorum created this spell as a way to help with massive clean up efforts following such conflicts.
After casting the spell, the creature touched has their light, medium and max load amount increased by one and a half times, though their strength score is not affected. This works particularly well with beasts of burden.
Feather Fleet
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, (travel 1)
Range: Self or creature touched
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Duration: 1 minute / level
Saving Throw: none harmless
Spell Resist: yes
This lite version of levitation grants both an unnatural lightness in step and a small speed boost. Creatures touched add a 5' enhancement bonus to their base speed.
If instead of moving at normal speed the creature may chose to move at half speed and gain the ability to so lightly that materials on the ground are not disturbed by walking over them. When moving in such a way: no tracks are left behind, the creature is not subject to slick floors, pit traps are not activated, calm fluids can be tread upon, caltrops will not affect the enchanted creature, and when moving stealthily the creature gains a +4 on auditory based stealth checks. However if any fluids moved over are anything but calm the spell immediately breaks and the creature will fall in. This spell does not add anything to any acrobatics checks.
Material for this spell is some duck down.
Emotional Awareness
Level: Clc 1, Brd 1, Wit 1
Range: Sight of caster
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 standard
Area of Effect: One intelligent creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will, harmless
Spell Resist: Yes
Once the caster catches the eye contact of the subject, and utters a few calming words, she will gain quick insight into the emotions of the creature. Only one word is given to the caster, and that is of the preeminent emotion driving the creature at the time of casting the spell. Examples are: hunger, thirst, fear, pain, uncertantity, rage, hatred, curiosity, hostility, friendliness, love etc.
By doing this the creature's current emotional status is not changed as the spell's components are rather subtle, though a spell caster may detect the spell and may react accordingly. Once the caster is aware of the emotional state of the creature, she gains a temporary circumstance bonus on all diplomacy or intimidate checks that happen before the preeminent emotion changes in the creature.
Feather Float
School transmutation
Level wiz/sor 1, brd 1
Casting Time 1 immediate action
Components V
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Targets one Medium or smaller submerged object or creature/level, no two of which may be more than 20 ft. apart
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless) or Will negates (object);
Spell Resistance yes (object)
The affected creature stop sinking or drifting in water immediately. If they are submerged they will float up at a rate of 10' per round. If the submerged creature is actively trying to swim towards the surface they get a circumstance movement bonus of 10' to their acent. The resistance to any pull or current in the water is equal to double their weight. Creatures benefiting from this spell receive a +5 circumstance bonus to swim checks if swimming in a lateral motion.
When the spell duration expires, normal currents and pull will affect the creature as before the spell was cast.
The spell affects one or more Medium or smaller creatures(including gear and carried objects up to each creature’s maximum load) or objects, or the equivalent in larger creatures: a Large creature or object counts as two Medium creatures or objects, a Huge creature or object counts as four Medium creatures or objects, and so forth.
If the spell is cast on a sinking item, the
object slowly floats to the surface at a rate of 10' per round until bobbing on the surface of the water.
Feather float works only upon submerged objects and creatures, though it can be cast before jumping into water, but its effects only work in water.
Sabellion's Feathery Desire
Level : Wiz/Sor 1, Drd 1, (air)
Range: self
Components : V, S, M
Casting Time : 1 standard
Duration : 1 round / level
Area of Effect : The casters body and clothing
Saving Throw : none
Spell Resistance: Yes
Upon casting this spell, a feathery membrane grows under the wizard's arms, extending along
his sides to his feet. The membrane appears to merge with the caster's skin and clothing. If the caster spreads his arms and jumps from a height, he can glide through the air. For each foot of elevation, the wizard can glide five feet horizontally. Thus, a wizard jumping from a 10-foot wall could glide up to 50 feet . While airborne the caster has a maneuverability of clumsy. Windy conditions greater than 15 mph wind make navigation in the air too unpredictable to effectively use the spell.
When the spell expires, the feathers instantly disappear. If the wizard is airborne, he immediately plummets toward the ground.
The spell was created as a way for the Queen of Omach to take Sabellion into the air, giving him feathers, and allowing him to fly, which was one of his dreams, without constantly using Fly which is a higher level spell slot. However her research never lead her to a way to make it cast on someone else, and so she abandoned the project, and donated her research to the arcane college in Omach, as a low power way to teach casters what it feels like to fly. Due to its unpredictability in the face of wind, short duration and low maneuverability, feather fall is heavily suggested to any caster hoping to use this spell.
The material component is an eagle's feather .
Ninja Flash
Level: Wis/Sor 1, Brd 1, Ass 1, (trickery)
Range: self
Components: V
Casting Time: Swift (special, see note)
Duration: Instantaneous
Area: 10' radius on all living creatures with sight in the radius
Saving Throw: Will partial
Spell Resistance: No
Some times casters get in over their head. This spell is for that circumstance. By shouting “Ninja Vanish!” the character buys themselves enough time to cast this spell which emits a very brief, but very bright flash of light followed by thin wisps of smoke. This light is used to get the drop on adversaries to escape, or even reposition themselves in combat.
Creatures who are in the radius must make a will save or be blinded for the duration of the casters turn. Those that pass the save are still somewhat shocked by the brightness and get a -4 penalty on all attacks of opportunity against the caster on the turn it was cast. If this spell is cast in low-light or darker situations, a failed save will result in two rounds of blindness, that is to say they recipient will be blind on the caster's turn and their own next turn. The penalty on those who passed on attacks of opportunity is increased to -6.
All creatures, regardless of their proximity to the caster have trouble seeing where the caster went after the spell, so the caster receives a +5 circumstance on all vision based stealth checks made during his turn. During this turn the caster, only for the purpose of stealth, the caster is considered to have concealment as though behind a veil of smoke as long as he is withing the 10' radius of the spell. This concealment does not affect the casters AC however, nor can it make an adversary flat footed.
The casting of the spell is a swift action, however because of the sharp and intense amount of magic used in the burst of light the caster will be unable to cast any other spells during the turn in which they benefit from concealment. This does not prohibit move actions or even a standard.
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, Drd 1, Rng 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 min / level
Saving Throw: Will harmless
Spell Resistance: yes
The subject gets a +10 enhancement bonus on Acrobatics checks made to balance. The enhancement bonus increases to +20 at caster level 5th, and to +30 (the maximum) at caster level 9th. The material component is a small twig, shaved of its bark.
Hangover Helper
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, Clc 1, Wit 1, Drd 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Target: 1 pint of water
Duration: 2 minutes
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: yes
A spell recalled from more prosperous and celebratory eras, Hangover Helper was usually used among Dwarven communities to get rid of particularly nasty hangovers from people visiting Dwarven cities, who were not used to the nasty grog served therein. After the spell is cast on a pint of drinking water, the imbiber has two minutes to drink all of the enchanted waters. After doing so, all effects of alcohol induced sickness is removed.
This only works on alcohol based effects. The only material component aside from water, is a pewter mug.
Macabre Marionette
Level: Wiz/Sor 1 (death)
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: Long
Target: One corpse
Duration: 1 minute / 2 levels, max 3 minutes (concentration)
Saving Throw: None
Spell resistance: none
This morbid spell is usually frowned upon in most societies, however it does have its uses. The caster must have line of sight to the body, and upon casting the spell makes it move to the caster's whim as though it were a marionette puppet. Since the body is not being made a true undead, this spell, strictly speaking, is not an evil spell. Learned spell casters consider it more of an advanced Mage's hand for bodies. To start the maximum size of the body being used for the spell is Medium size. At tenth level Large size a creatures are available to be moved as well.
While the body is under the caster's whim, the only actions it can carry out, due to the sheer clumsiness of the spell, are basic movements, and rudimentary pushing or carrying items (if the corpse has appendages to do so.) The corpse, no matter the size or original speed, can only move 20' a round, can carry a max of fifty pounds worth of items, but can not leave the ground. Directing the body is a full round action of concentration. Anyone casting detect magic on the corpse will see an aura of magical strings directed towards where the caster is, which is dictating all the movement.
This spell was created by clerics of Nuitari, who after large scale conflicts, would have to find a way to stealthily steal bodies from the field in order to bulk up their undead armies. Necromancers later found out about this spell, and jealously stole it. Now its main practitioners are Nuitari worshipers, or zealous students of the arcane arts, wishing to see what power Necromancy has, as the spell's use is mostly lawful, though heavily frowned upon.
Swift Interrogation
Level: Clc 1, Brd 1, Wit 1, (knowledge)
Components: V,
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: close
Target: 1 intelligent creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: will negates
Spell resistance: yes
For the interrogation in the fly, this spell questions once a target creature and beckons forth a one sentence or shorter answer from the target. However the verbal component of the spell makes it clear to the person being cast upon, that there answer will be true. Therefore any target of the spell will be able to make a clear choice as to weather they want to try and resist the spell.
The target of the spell will need to share a common language with the caster or the spell will fail. If the target does not truly know the answer the spell will fail. The caster can not discern if the spell failed due to a successful saving throw or lack of knowledge. Using this spell on one creature, within 24 hours more than once, automatically fails. Lastly the target of the spell gets an additional bonus on their save, if they chose to resist, based on their feelings towards you.
Hostile - +10
Unfriendly - +7
Indifferent - +3
Friendly - +1
Helpful – 0
Frost Fingers
Evocation [cold];
Level wiz/sor 1, wit 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range 15 ft.
Area cone-shaped burst
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex half; Spell Resistance yes
A cone of icy shards shoots from your fingertips. Any creature in the area of the cone takes 1d4 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 5d4). Liquid exposed may freeze.
This spell is the elemental opposite of burning hands, and works as such for the purposes of counterspells. If a burning hands spell and a frost fingers purposely hit each other at the same time, the whole overlapping area becomes an area affected as though under obscuring mist.
Brinley's Tiny Vortex
Level: wiz/sor 2
Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Medium
Area: 10' radius sphere
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: no
Calling upon the arcane forces of entropy and madness, the caster designates a mental sphere around a ten foot radius. When the incantation is finished, lose objects up to the size of a chicken's egg, and no more numerous than 14 separate objects start flying about madly within the radius of the spell. The objects actually have very deliberate trajectories, that bounce off the invisible walls of the sphere back and forth. Because of the chaotic nature of the sphere, sand, dust, or even water may have a chance of being kicked up.
Any creature that starts its turn within the active vortex that has at least 4 or more hard object flying about will take 1d4 damage at the beginning of their turn. In addition to that damage, if there is particulate matter like sand, gravel or dust, then any creature trying to cast a spell within the sphere must make a concentration check as though trying to cast with hail and debris. (10+spell level) Creatures within the vortex take a -2 on all attacks due to the harrying nature of the vortex.
If the sphere is over an area with no particulate matter or rocks, then the spell effectively does not harry any target within. If there is just dust, but no larger object like small rocks then any creature within will not take any damage or penalty to attacks, but will have to make a concentration check to cast spells as though within rain or sleet (5+ spell level).
If the vortex is over an area that is clean of all debris, then it has no effect.
At the cost of a move action to the caster, the vortex may be moved up to 40', as long as it stays withing the “medium” range of the caster. During the move, the forces within the sphere continue churning, though at a reduced velocity. Rocks, dust, or even sling bullets are carried along, but any spaces it moves through do not take damage from debris. The vortex is considered fully active once it is finished moving for the purposes of damage and concentration checks.
During the era of Many Thanks, wizards started researching certain spells exclusive to clerics, that had practical application within an arcane repertoire. Many a mage pointed to Spiritual Weapon as a strong evocation magic that wizards had no similar match too. Many years of research was conducted, and no spell came up with the effectiveness of Spiritual Weapon coupled with the relative low magic cost of a second level spell. A particularly cunning arch-mage named Brinley came up with what was considered the closest thing, by taking a different angle on the magic, using the telekinetic energies of transmutation magic. Though it does not deal the kind of raw force damage that Spiritual Weapon does, its ability to harry casters became popular between arcane spell duelers, and gained favor with many adventuring groups for its compatibility with a mage's best friend, sling bullets.
Lord Google's Lore Finder
Level: Wiz/Sor 1, Brd 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Self
Target: Caster
Duration: hour / level (max 8)
Saving Throw: Will harmless
Spell Resistance: yes
The subject gets a +10 enhancement bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information when in a library or similar research area. The spell actually increases the ability of the caster to read by 5 times over. Comprehension is not increased but when looking for obscure information ot particular knowledge this aids in the amount of time it takes to find it. The enhancement bonus increases to +20 at caster level 5th, and to +30 (the maximum) at caster level 9th.
If research given by the GM is in hours needed this does not reduce those hours, it only makes it easier to find something quicker, since comprehension is not increased.
The spell was made by an ingenious wizard, by the name of Lord Google. He loved trivia, and trivia challenges, and secretly used this spell to gain the upper hand in all search related lore competitions.
The material component is a cup of tea, or coffee, any caffeinated beverage will work.
Life Jacket
Abjuration (life)
Level: Clc 2, Pal 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard
Range: Self only
Target: Caster
Duration: 1 min / level
Saving Throw: Will harmless
Spell Resistance: yes
Calling forth an invisible protective jacket, the caster effectively protects herself against any one instance of energy drain, negative energy, death spell, or magical death effect. Once any one effect harms the caster, before any saving throw, the spell effect is negated and the jacket ceases functioning. The jacket does not defend against death from damage, or other harmful spells.
A mage who later became a cleric of Mishikal noted that clerics of his order had notably few ways for lower level clerics to defend against death magic. As a devotee of the goddess of life, he spent time praying and researching for a way to come up with a spell similar to one he had used as a mage, Mirror Image. Though the spell he discovered did not offer multiples of himself as Mirror Image does, it did, without fail protect one time against death magic.
Spell-sink Jewelry
Level: Wizard and Witch ONLY 1st level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: Self
Taregt: Jewelry enchanted
Duration: 1 week / level (max 1 month)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: no
Through either intense study (wizards) or deep mystical understanding (witches) the caster can imbue either an amulet or ring with a special ability to negate a spell once. The spell protected against must be in the casters spell book, or known by their witch's familiar. The spell must also be one with a saving throw. When worn, if the specific spell being warded against is cast upon the caster, he is allowed a save as normal. If and only if the caster fails that save does the magical protection from the jewelry activate as an immediate action, granting another save which is an automatic success. The spell protected against can also be one with a partial save. Only one such piece of jewelry can be enchanted with this spell at a time, and the jewelry takes up a slot as though it were a normal magical item. Only the caster may benefit from this spell.
To use this spell, the caster does not need any item creation feats (though it could be a prerequisite in some settings to gain such feats.) The jewelry to be enchanted must be of a certain value according to the spell level protected against. A first level spell amulet must be 25gp or more. For each spell level thereafter the minimum value of the amulet will double. Ergo an amulet protecting against a forth level spell must be worth 200gp or more. For rings, a first level protection value will be 100gp, and double for each level thereafter. Ergo a fourth level protection requires a ring of 800gp or more.
Anyone else notice that our rate of blog update has greatly decreased since our DM started playing WoW again.