NPC's have backgrounds, sometimes they have stories onto themselves. Seeing as the party is usually more concerned with survival or being bad-ass, many intricately woven stories fall through the cracks, never to be heard or cared for. Well screw you guys, I took the time to conceptualize such things, and may the spirit of Gary Gygax be my witness when I say, “Here are the unknown stories of NPC's beloved, hated, ignored or otherwise.”
Gulak: A Lonely Free Soul
Ten years following the struggle of the Titans, Gulak was still working at the docks in Omach. He was well known in town however, as an ally of the Heroes of Omach. This notoriety did not change much for his work, and how people saw him.
For a half-orc, he has more orc features presenting than his half breed background might say. Gulak's hair was thin, and clumpy. He would wear a leather cap to cover the knotted mess, and hide some of his sloping forehead. He clearly had Orcish strength, his massive build dwarfed most men on the docks. He dressed like, sounded like, and for all intensive purposes was like just another pea-brained worker on Omach's shore. Even his taste for cheap, yet effective booze, further perpetuated people signing Gulak off as a drunk at social occasions.
Few knew, save his closest friends knew of another Gulak. The Heroes of Omach did more than save the world a decade ago, they also left children. These children were the apple of Gulak's eye. The surviving members, and parents, Sabellion, Newin, Sasha, Cordek, and Raxt, were happy to visit Omach from their hold in Fort Rannick, because Gulak always volunteered to babysit. Children evoked in Gulak, a loving paternal side. This was the other Gulak, or Uncle as the children called him.
However Gulak was still a liability to those around him. Though he believed in hard work, and having a great time with his friends, as Gulak aged his reputation started to precede him, and fewer and fewer dockmasters were wanting Gulak on as a worker. He was strong, but chronically clumsy. He might do well one day, but another day get distracted and have 15 other dock workers circled around as he told them tales of the legendary Maive, whom he said may have been her half-sister.
“Gulak, thanks for coming in,” a proffesionally dressed Dwarven man spoke. Gulak wiped the sweat off his brow, and slumped into a seat opposite of the mahogheny desk.
“Oh hey, no problem I could use the break,” Gulak stretched his stout green neck and sighed. “I know this is probably about that shipment of urns, and like I told you boss, if I known that those urns were made by elves I would have not have told Denra to just drop the pully.”
“No its not that, well partly. See I have been checking my records, and since you have been working here, our rate of broken goods has jumped by 10%.”
Gulak's eyes flared with a sudden cunning. “Alright boss, but what about the paper-math-thingy, on how much more shipments we have been doing.” The dwarf sat upright, and nodded slightly to Gulak's statement.
“Don't get me wrong, productivity is up, almost double. However all that means is that my clients are having more of their stuff broken, in a shorter amount of time.” The dwarf straitened out his beard and looked down at his desk. “Gulak, I have to let you go, or I'll get fired as well.”
Gulak shot up suddenly out of his chair, and his boss many times weaker recoiled. A few stale seconds passed, and the dwarf realized he wasn't going to be hit. He looked up and saw a forlorn Gulak, with his old leather cap in his hands, in a pleading manner. “Boss, I a'int good at anything else. I don't got the heart to be a hired sword, no one thinks I'm smart 'nough to be a security guy, I don't know how to make anything, and uh..” Gulak stopped his speech as he often does to think of more words. “Oh yeah, and I a'int smart 'nough to be a security guard.”
“Listen Gulak, I can see about another warehouse maybe taking you in... I think you are a great guy, but our clients don't care about character, I am sure somebod...” Gulak threw his hat on the desk interrputing his former boss.
“I don't take charity, maybe a drink or two sure, and maybe stay at my buddy's place for a while, but aside from that and the occasional meal that the queen invites me over for every other day, well...” Another pause for more words loading into Gulak's mind. “Well I am tired of everybody giving me stuff, or trying too. You're a good guy boss, but I need a change, its not like I have a family to...” Instead of thinking of new words to speak, Gulak remembered that today the Heroes of Omach would be making a visit to the palace.
Gulak rushed out the door, and the dwarf tried calling him back. “Gulak, you dumb stick you forgot your pay, and your hat.” The dwarf watched out his window as Gulak charged down the street, people giving the half-orc wide berth.
Through the open door strode a well tanned half-elf, her dark hair held back in an intricate bun. “So how did that go?” she spoke trying to not laugh at how flustered her boss was.
“Aye Tianna, I am still breathing, all my limbs are attached, and my desk is in one piece. I suppose by Mr. Gulak's standards this was the most successful firing yet.”
“Third time is a charm,” Tianna giggled to herself. “I think after ten years he is catching on to all the warehouses passing him around like a troubled orphan. He isn't bright, but he is proud I suppose.”
The dwarf reached for the coin purse with Gulak's payment, and dropped it into his leather cap. “Can you go track him down and give him his effects, I don't feel like a drunken midnight visit into my office by Mr. Gulak will end well.”
Tianna's eyes widened. “Tracking him down isn't the problem, I am just worried about him hugging me and breaking my back. I think you need to hire a mercenary, not send your secretary after him.”
“I'll tell you what I tell all the guys at the docks; no sudden movements, don't correct his grammar, and don't speak ill of his friends. He just looks scary, trust me you'll be fine.”
“What about that rumor I heard about him throwing a mug of ale so hard, is went through a man?”
“Oh Theodore? He's fine, it didn't go all the way through him.” The dwarf laughed in response. “Besides Gulak ignores you lassie.”
“Oh, well that explains why he never talks to me, he just kicks in your door before I tell him you are ready to meet with him.”
“The big oaf probably figures it'd ruin your day to mess up your desk, so he ignores you. In fact you are the only person I know that he ignores, one time I saw him go around a tavern and introduce himself three times to each patron.”
Tianna grabbed the outstretched hat with the coin purse in it. “Right, no sudden movements,” with that Tianna departed.
An hour later Tianna received permission from the city guard to enter the royal court to go give Gulak his possessions back. Tianna noted the ease in which Gulak entered the heavily guarded royal court; by her estimation Gulak must have stolled in as welcome as the queen herself. The royal court's trees were in full bloom, their cherry blossoms making the verdant garden all the more lovely to behold. A guard pointed towards a small fish pond beyond some cherry trees, and indictaed that was where Gulak went some 40 minutes ago. Tianna's elven heritage allowed her to already hear the half-orc splashing around beyond a rise in the sculpted landscape.
Weaving through lavender laden grass, Tianna quietly watched Gulak in the pond below. Near him were several children, all offspring of the Heroes of Omach. They giggled with glee as they swam through the pond, to climb up Gulak and proceed to jump off of him as though he were a cliff overlooking a lagoon.
One child, tiefling-born, started crying as her leg recived a scrape from falling. Gulak gently placed down all the children riding on him safely on the grassy beach. He shook the water from his hands and hoisted up the girl. His massive frame allowed him to cradle the child like a mother would a newborn.
“Shhh, little Orianna, its fine, that's just a little scrape. I remember when your mother would tell us stories when she shook off wounds 100 times worse than that, and did not even grimace.” Gulak softly spoke, his half-orc bellowing voice now gone, and now a surprisingly human voice came out. Orianna stopped crying.
“Can we hear a story about my mom?” the girl excitedly asked. Gulak looked pained as she asked, her mother Maive sacrificed her self nearly ten years ago. Gulak eyes beheld the features of Maive present in her child, the jaw stern and eyes with deep intensity. Breaking Gulak's hesitation was the other children all begging in chorus for another story.
“Alright, I'll tell you all a story, but you have to dry yourselves off, otherwise your parents will be upset that I let you play 'King of the Gulak' again in the fish pond,” Gulak bargained. The children scrambled for cotton towels draped over a willow tree, and dried themselves off furiously.
Nilex, who was the son of the heroes Newin and Sabellion shouted, “Gulak there is a weird lady standing over there.” Gulak reacted with a speed that surprised Tianna. He leaped out of the water, and brazenly put himself between the humanoid figure and the children.
“Who are you!?” Gulak shouted, back in his throaty Half-orc voice. Tianna did not speak, and was careful to move slowly, so as not to excite Gulak.
“Its me Gulak, Tianna, Boss' secretary, I have some things you left in his office,” Tianna replied. Gulak stared at her for a while. Tianna slowly pulled out Gulak's hat, with the sound of gold coins jingling inside.
“Oh, Neatdesk, I didn't know it was you.”
“My name is not Neatdesk...Wait, who told you that was my name?”
“Oh, well I never was introduced, and when that happens I try to remember people by where I see them the most, and you are always at a neat desk.” The children started telling Gulak that they were ready for their story, and were sufficiently dry. Gulak grabbed his hat and the coins.
“Uncle Gulak, let Miss Neatdesk sit and listen to your story,” Orianna begged. “She seems nice, and we don't get to meet many new people that are not royalty.” Gulak smiled wide.
“Alright, well wait, umm Neatdesk would you like to listen?” Gulak asked.
“My name is Tianna, T-I-A-N-N-A, and yes I'll listen in. I think I'll also bandage up Lady Orianna as well, I have a few scraps of linen with me.” Tianna began to rifle through her satchel. The group sat, while Tianna cleaned Orianna's cut, and tied a small bandage on it. Gulak regaled the audience of a poorly told version of how the Heroes of Omach descended into a lost city full of undead skeletons, demons and worse. The only parts that were told well were the sound effects, like crashing of swords, smashing of doors, and booms from powerful magical spells.
Though put off a bit by being called 'Neatdesk,' Tianna was utterly amazed at the love and gentleness Gulak showed to his adopted neices and nephews. She conjured images in her mind of Gulak moving a crate many times heavier than himself, and moving it around like it was filled with air, rather than expensive china.
A half hour later, the children were called back to the castle for an early dinner. Gulak gave all the children a hug by scooping them all up at once, and squeezing them until one of them said Uncle, both literally and figuratively. The children ran off, and Gulak stood tall and proudly. “Those are my nieces and nephews Neatdesk. They are the best, I wish I got to see them all the time, but they only come to Omach every now and then.” Gulak finished his statement, and looked as though all the wind was taken out of him. Tianna watched his face, turn into a sad pout.
“Well they live in Fort Rannick, you can visit them right?” Tianna offered, hoping to improve Gulak's mood. Tianna's fear of being impaled with a mug of ale stated to diminish, though she was carefully choosing her words, worried that with the children gone Gulak may do something more rash. “Everyone knows that you are an old friend of the Heroes of Omach, why don't you go there to be with them more often.”
“The Heroes of Omach are the best, and Fort Rannick is great place I have been told. I don't think they want me messing up their stuff, the dockmasters here allow me to get away with mistakes, but I don't want to make a mistake and then be...” Gulak gathered more words into his head. “You know, I don't want them to kick me out of Fort Rannick forever. Then they will be mad as me and not let me see their kids.” Tianna's eyes opened in shock.
“Gulak, the Heroes of Omach trust you enough to watch after their kids. I bet you they wonder why you don't make the move over to Fort Rannick.”
“Because I don't want to make them angry.” Gulak's eyes started hazing up. “I never had a family. Maive was the first person that let me hang our with her, the Heroes of Omach are my friends, but I don't want to burden my friends.” A few tears slid out of Gulak's eyes. “What did you do to me!?!” Gulak examined the tears. “You must be a witch, you are boiling my eyes!”
Tianna tried hard not to laugh. “Gulak you are crying, its fine,” she said as she reached to hold Gulak's hand. “I am not a witch, in fact I just decided to instead help you out.” Gulak blew his nose into his other arm, and stared at Tianna intently.
“Alright you can help, as long as you are not a witch” Gulak closed his eyes, then suddenly opened them again. “Wait! You are a witch! Now you are trying to cook my heart out from my chest.” Gulak cried after releasing Tianna's hand.
“Wait, your heart felt warm?” Tianna questioned.
“Yeah, probably another trick from a witch like you, luckily I have strong friends who will avenge my death if you try anything else,” Gulak defiantly pointed out. Gulak then stormed off, Tianna could hear the full complement of soldier accompanying him to make sure he got out safely.
“Gulak, are you that simple...” Tianna whispered, as she placed her hand over her chest. Her heart felt warm as well.
In the ensuing weeks Tianna requested audiences with the Heroes of Omach. She requested that Gulak be brought to Fort Rannick, as an on call babysitter and a capable dockhand. The heroes were very receptive to this proposal, some even questioning why he did not ask earlier, figuring he was too proud for the apparent charity. Newin, the ruling matriarch of Fort Rannick, expressed concern about Gulak's habits of binge drinking and breaking things he was in charge of moving. Tianna stated that she was offering her services to look after Gulak, and act as a secretary for the docks as well. Crimwinkle, the noted artist and adventurer for the Heroes of Omach caught onto Tianna's possible alterior motives during the proposal.
“Lady Tianna, this idea of yours would bode well for Fort Rannick, Omach City, and the Heroes of Omach, but what does this proposal do for you?” the cunning Gnome asked. Tianna began blushing uncontrollably.
“It would please my heart, if you must know,” Tianna replied. The Heroes Gathered in the meeting chamber in the Omachian Palace all smiled knowingly.
“Then I think we are all agreed, Gulak is to be moved to Fort Rannick to work at our docks, and Tianna shall be brought on as an official escort for our beloved green skinned friend,” Crimwinkle declared. The meeting was adjourned, and Tianna made it clear that she wanted to be the one to break the good news to Gulak.
Hours later Gulak was sitting on an empty pier, throwing fish heads into the water watching the fish nibble at them. The sun was setting over the city, its orange hue bounced off the water making Gulak squint in frustration. Tianna bravely sat next to him, careful to make sure her presence was not a surprise.
“Hi Neat..” Gulak knocked on his head a few times. “I mean Tianna, I remembered your name because your name is half of Orianna, and she is the one your bandaged up.”
“How are you doing Gulak?” Tianna squinted towards the school of fish munching away at Gulak's chum.
“I got fired again from another place, I think that makes it five times from that warehouse.” Gulak slumped in disappointment.
“Gulak, did they say they fired you?”
“No, it was um, I think something called a transfer.” Gulak's facial expression changed to confusion. “That is a funny was to say you are fired I guess.”
“I am the one who made you get transferred.” Tianna offered.
“How did you fire me? You don't own a warehouse.” Gulak asked, as he raised his hand push her away for the apparent termination. Tianna quickly grabbed his hand, and held it. Gulak looked scared. “NO! Please don't melt my arm away, its fine if you got me fired, I won't tell anyone... Alright well I will tell the heroes, because they can probably get me a new arm I figure.” Tianna sighed.
“Gulak, I own a dock in Fort Rannick,” Tianna lied. “I need a dockhand, and I asked that you be transferred to my warehouse in Fort Rannick.”
“Oh my gods, did you know that is where the heroes of Omach live?”
“Yes I know that, and they say that you'd be the perfect person for the job.” Gulak's grip tightened on Tianna's hand, and she thought she might cry in pain. He pulled her up and stood, her body dangling like wet laundry from a line.
“Gulak, can you put me down? I think my arm is going to snap off.” Tianna said as calmly as possibly.
“No...” Gulak then draped Tianna's arm over his shoulder and they embraced. As Gulak held Tianna he asked, “Oh yeah, Um Tianna does your heart feel warm too? Crimwinkle told me that if my heart feels warm, and yours does too its not a spell from a witch, but a powerful blessing.”
“Yes Gulak, my heart feels very warm.” Tianna smiled as she spoke.
“Oh that's great!” Gulak seemed to pause. “Alright stay where you are, I'm going to take us to Fort Rannick right away so I can ask Crimwinkle what he called this blessing.” Tianna sighed as Gulak slumped her over his shoulder and began running towards where Crimwinkle would likely be, just in the wrong direction.
She knew that it would take Gulak a while to understand what was happening, but that she was likely not going to go far away from Gulak, and that to her was a happy thought.
Now a days, Gulak and Tianna work as “Dockmasters” at the Storval Deep shore. Gulak still has a rough understanding of what affection and love is, but he knows that he ends up being happy whenever Tianna is around. Tianna happily helps Gulak be the best dockworker he can. Though he is a handful, and makes a lot of trouble she faithfully helps Gulak; especially now that some of his nieces and nephews don't like being hugged as much because they are adults. Their relationship is certainly unique but undoubtedly filled with love.
hmm nice, kind of an interesting back story after already seeing the interaction of the two at the Rannick docks. Seems a tad odd though that 10 years after these events things still would be roughly the same between the two, I know Gulak is slow but he's not entirely socially inept, they would of had little human children by now (half orc + half elf = human?)
ReplyDelete"Nilex, what do you're half-elf eyes see?"
ReplyDelete*cue picture of Gulak and Tianna having sex*
I jest, nice post though, read a few days back. Nice to see Gulak has the indomitable work ethic of a 1st generation farmer. I demand to see some Orc-elf children running around, ugly as shit but I request at least 1 show up!
There is an affection there, but there is also a level of unrequited love. Its sort of a tragic romance really. I focused on how they met, and work together. Gulak is not that socially inept, but this is a type of relationship he has never been in.
ReplyDeleteGulak wants to marry her, but is not letting himself because he wants to function better. In an altruistic way Gulak wants her to marry a good person who will be a little less of a headache for her. Conversely Tianna wants to marry Gulak, but knows that he'll take a while to come around to it. Also Gulak is old for a 1/2 orc, and 1/2 elves live longer. In the end its a kind of love that can never be, a tragic love, as unique as Gulak himself.
Here is a mini-short story sent in by the party's rogue, apparently she had trouble posting on the blog, stange considering that random Chinese spammers have been able to post without a problem... Anyway here is it.
ReplyDelete"Boo!" Kayra shouted as she jumped out from behind the crate Gulak was
leaning on.
"Gthppt!" Gulak sputtered as he nearly dropped the bottle he was
drinking from, juggling and bouncing it back and forth until finally it
dropped into Kayra's outstretched hands. "Kayra! You should not sneak up
on me like that! If I didn't know it was you, you could have been hurt!"
"I'm sorry Uncle Gulak," Kayra said as she leaned against his arm, "but
I needed to get your attention before the contents of this bottle
disappeared." She sloshed the bottle with a bit of difficulty; it was
quite large and still quite full. "Do you know what day it is?"
"That's easy, it's Thursday."
"Besides that. Today is important."
Gulak thought for a moment. "Aha! It is another one of your jokes! A
"No, Uncle. It's Tianna's birthday."
Gulak looked confused for a second, and then his face dropped into a
gaze of despair and panic. "Oh no! I need to get her a present! I have
Kayra grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down. "Calm down! I've
found the perfect thing already." She pulled out a decorated box and
opened it up to reveal a silvered necklace.
"Oh, that is very pretty. So it will match Tianna very well. But...I
need to give her a present, not you."
"I know. And that is why I will sell it to you, for the price of one
large bottle of liquor," she said as she held up the bottle already in
her hand.
"But that''re too young...and I already-"
"You need a present, you have a bottle, it's the perfect price." She set
the box in his hands and waited. He looked at the bottle, and then
looked in the box again. He smiled, ruffled her hair, and ran off with
the box towards home. "Remember, you bought that yourself, fair and
square! I had nothing to do with it!" she called after him, for all the
good it would do. When it was clear he was gone, she smiled and skipped
off in the other direction. "And him being sober for once is my good
deed for the day. Now to see how well this stuff burns..." she mused to
herself as she ran off.