^^ Yeah its about that bad ^^
I'll keep it short, we have a lot to think about next week. We even have a quest if anyone is curious. Here is the dilemma, that the players and the DM are going to transform into something enjoyable for all parties.
Sabellion's Leadership score - 14
1st Level Followers - 15
2nd and up level followers - 1
Maive's Leadership score - 18
1st Level Followers - 35
2nd and up level followers - 5
Crimwinkle's Leadership score - 20
1st Level Followers - 50
2nd and up level followers - 10
Total of 117 followers, 17 of which are higher than first level. Think guys 117 followers! Fort Rannick was packing 20 maybe 30 rangers previous, but the amount you are all owed as far as sheer numbers means we'll be doing more than rebuilding a guard tower. Remember a lot of followers are not instantly going to flock to you, but over 2 years, with the feat you may very well attract that amount of interest.
This is nice though, the three PC's with that feat should sit down and discuss how this will work. It'll be much easier to streamline everyone's glorified slaves. Remember though not all followers are enheirently someone who wants to be an adventurer. Say you guys need a few carpenters in town, well Crimwinkle knows Omach well and can convince a few back onto the Fort Rannick compound. That would be two follower slots, and now carpentry will be taken care of.
It is funny that Nicodemus is the one who mentioned taxes, but if you do invest enough into the infrastructure, then visitors and maybe even residents will have to pay a tax for upkeep.
I said I will be short, so here it is. The DM apologizes to Nicodemus because he doesn't have followers to deal with but has to sit though you guys figuring out what to do. We then play a little SIM-D&D Fortress, and try to make it something we both like, maybe even profitable. We'll definitely need those notebooks Sabellion got for us. Either way, I am excited.
Oh, bonus feats for everyone, home brew feat for Sabellion (apology feat for taking Monkey Grip away), and maybe even some loot for treasure hunting!