This is a special presen for Nicodemus. You may have heard me mentioning "theives' cant" which is not a language, its more of a dialect. Well I found a little glossary if you'd ever like to use it, it'll certainly add spice to role playing for rogues.
Many thieves, rogues, and gamblers
have their own slang or argot, also called
thieves’ cant. The samples provided here
are taken from terms used by 18th-century
British thieves, a form of jargon that
works fairly well for English speakers.
Arrested: boned, hooked, pulled, roasted,
snapt, touched
Bandit: colt, high pad, knight of the road,
land pirate, rank rider
Beggar: rattling mumper, ruffler
Begging: maunding
Booty: quota, swag, whack
Bribe: dawb, grease, hush money, sop
Brothel: academy, nunnery, snoozing ken
Call for the watch: cry beef
City watchman: bandog, bus napper, bus
napper kenchin, harman, myrmidon,
night magistrate, pig
Cloak: calle
Club: jordain, oaken towel
Coin (counterfeit): button, dump
Con: amuse, bilk, fob, fun, fuzz, hoodwink,
Con man: amuser, jack in a box, needle
point, nip, sharper
Counterfeiter: figure dancer, queer bit
Counterfeiting: drawing the king’s
picture, sweating
Courthouse: nubbing ken
Criminals being punished:
• Being transported: barrow man, lag
• In stocks: babes in the wood,
nappered, overseer
• With hands burned: badge,
Crowbar: Bess, Betty, ginny, jemmy
Danger: lay
Day: lightmans
Death sentence: cramp word
Dog: bufe
Drunk: clear
Escape: bing, burning the ken, hike, rub
Follow: drag
Fool: Ben, cullability, gudgeon, gull,
milch cow, pigeon, queer
Gallows: chatts, deadly nevergreen, leafless
tree, morning drop, new drop, nubbing
cheat, three legged mare, three
legged stool, topping cheat
Gambling den: hell
Gang: birds of a feather
Gypsies: cattle, moon men
Good: bene, rum
Hanged: acorn, artichoked, beilby’s ball,
cry cockles, cropped, dangled, frummagemmed,
hearty choked, hempen fever,
ironmonger’s shop, jammed, leaf,
noozed, nubbing, scragged, stretched,
Hangman: Jack Ketch, Ketch, nubbing
cove, sheriff’s journeyman, topping cove,
turned off
Hideout: dive, fencing ken, flash ken,
stalling ken, stop hole abbey, stuling ken
Highway robbery: recruiting service
Hit: click
Honest man: cull
House: ken, panny
Housebreaker: cracksman, draw latch,
Inform: cackle, long tongued, nose,
office, peach, rat, sing
Judge: beak, fortuneteller, queer cuffin
Kill: crash, use up
Lantern: darkee, glim
Lawyer: black box, cursitor, petty fogger,
Lead: moss
License: jukrum
Lie: amuse, gamon, palaver
Lock pick: charm, dub, kate, screw
Lock picker: gilt
Lock picking: black art, dub lay
Man: cove
Madam of brothel: abbess, aunt
Money: caravan, iron, king’s pictures,
plate, pony, rag, ready, rhino, ribbin,
Mugger: ding boy
Murder: hush
Night: darkman
Oath: cap, earnest, rap (false), salmon
Pickpocket: autem divers, bung nipper,
buzman, foyst, natty lad, nypper, reader
Picking pockets: dive, figging law, forking
Pocket: cly
Priest: autem bawler
Prison: bilboes, boarding school, porridge,
pound, queer ken, quod, repository,
sheriff’s hotel, shop, spring-ankle
Prison ship: floating hell
Prisoner: jail bird, queer birds
Prostitute: aunt, bat, bawd, buttock and
file, cattle, fen, laced mutton, public
ledger, queer mort, tail
Purse: boung, dummee, reader
Rich: equipt, oak
Ring: jem, onion
Shackles: darbies, king’s plate, ruffles,
Staff: jordain
Steal: bite, bite the blow, cloy, curbing
law, heave, hoist, lift, nim, prad lay
Stocks: Bilboes, parenthesis, penance
board, wooden ruff
Stolen: ard, made
Swap: bug, ring the changes
Tavern owner: beggar maker
Theft: game
Thief: angler, ark ruffian, bawdy basket,
blue pigeon, bubber, bufe napper, bung
nipper, buzman, canter, canting crew,
Captain Sharp, clank napper, cloyes,
cracksman, draw latch, dromedary, fagger,
fidlam ben, filcher, footpad, foyst,
gallows bird, gilt, glazier, kiddey, little
snakesman, lully prigger, made man,
moon curser, napper of naps, natty lad,
nypper, old hand, pad borrower, poulterer,
prigger, queer cove, reader merchant,
resurrection man, rover, sneak, swaddler,
tayle drawer, waterpad, whip jack
Thief (head): Arch Rogue, Dimber
Damber, Prince Prig, Upright Man
Thieves’ cant: flash lingo, gibberish,
patter flash
Victim: content, provendor
Whipping: air and exercise, cly the jerk,
hue, teize
Whipping post: jigger
Widow: ace of spades, hempen widow
(if husband was hanged)
Witness (false): affidavit man, knight of
the post
Woman: mort, mot
Wound: beef
Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue: A
Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University
Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence, London,
1811 (based on a version by Captain
Grose, 1785).
The Penguin Dictionary of Historical
Slang by Eric Partridge (for some pre-
WWI terms).
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