As you well know, lamias are likely to make an appearance. You certainly had fun with Lady Lucretia, one of a slew of intelligent evil NPC's that ran away, and got away. Maieve has personal beef with a lamia that charmed her husband and banged him like a 2gp whore, in front of Maieve. Maybe Maieve can have a hate bonus like a ranger, but only for lamias.
Anyway this post is more about my frustration with lamias. (and my brand new feat) See back in 3.5 lamias had multiple forms, many different templates, and a variant could be found all over 3.5 books. Our group is accustomed to lamias being reptilian, and I want to keep that as well. Unfortunately the bestiary says they are lion like, and gives a small footnote that they can take other forms like snakes or birds. Naturally they don't list any of those statistics.
So lately I have been trying to recreate lamias from scratch. I need to do this because a lamia in the 3.75 bestiary is CR 6 and has no class levels. Lady Lucretia had levels of rouge and sorcerer. If I want to convert her to 3.75, she'd only have three class levels and fight nothing like Lady Lucretia normally did.
So now I made a new snake-lamia template, starting at CR 3. I have to say now is a time I am really enjoying Pathfinder. The rules to make a monster from scratch are so much more standardized than in 3.5. The old way basically said, do whatever you want, just don't kill your party. Whereas pathfinder gives you standardized rules, HD, skill progression, feat selection, and even helps with class selection for monster.
This means you will be fighting balanced monsters, and ones that have similiar class abilities to the party. Its important when GMing to mix stright up monsters and monsters with class levels. Both have something to offer to a fight, and usually fights with class level monsters are more challengeing due to the technical nature of the enemies. Its also nice because class level monsters make me work more as a GM to make the fight interesting, whereas a basilisk is really just a bite attack with a gaze attack.
I will also be adding a rule variant for any combat, my first feat ever made!!!
Incidential Touch Attack Damage -
Prerequisite- Weapon Focus or Finese with a weapon two sizes small than you
Base Attack of 6
A touch effect that does not require a standard to activate.
Any creature with a touch attack, that does not require a spell to be cast first or otherwise is not "on" all the time, may attack with a weapon two sizes smaller than her/him and have two AC's to consider, one for damage with the weapon, and one for touch attack.
Let's say you are fighting a giant floating jellyfish. His tentacles can hurt you by slamming you, or they can harm you by touching you like a man-o-war jellyfish would. Tentacles are natural weapons and thus small enough for this creature to attack with incidental touch. This means he can attempt a slam attack and "miss" with the attack for slam damage, but get a high enough touch AC to still touch teh target. In this way the target will take the effect of the stinging tentacle but not the damage from the slam.
The only other note of this is that if a normal attack criticals, the critical damage will only be from the normal attack not the touch attack, and no touch attack damage will be delivered. However if the normal attack hits both the normal and the touch attack damage will be dealt. (unless a creature has a better touch AC than the normal AC which is very rare)
The canny PC's in my game might understand why I am doing this, and have good reason to worry. I can't wait to play test it on all of you.
Game Hard, Game Well ~ The one and only, the GM
ummm so where's my special rage when fighting lamias feat?