Attacks of Opportunity are kinda like ^^^^^^
I am excited about today, you are nearly to "The Valley of the Black Tower," where the enigmatic Mokmurian makes the home for his vast giant army. The group must leave Galduria, make their way up to Wolf's Ear, then head further north to Ravenmoor. There, the group will likely part ways with mounts, and start afoot towards the towering plateau that houses the "Black Tower."
I am writing this post as a reminder, and a reference for people about avoiding attacks of opportunity.
For defensively casting
Old Way
DC = 15 + spell level
Check = Concentration skill check
Failure = spell fizzle
New Way
DC = 15 + double spell level
Check = d20 + caster level + spell ability modifier (Int for Wizards etc.)
Failure = spell fizzle
(Also don't forget, Combat Casting gives you a +4 on the check)
For tumbling out of attacks of opportunity
Old Way
DC = 15
DC for additional attacks = +2 per attack in a round
Check = Tumble skill check
Failure = you get hit
New Way
DC = Opponent's CMD
DC for additional attacks = +2 per attack in a round
Check = Acrobatics skill check
Failure = you get hit
New ability to D&D and Pathfinder
Let's say you are prone (trip, fell, can walk on ice) and there is a guy standing over you with a huge sword... this could suck.
Well now with 3.75, comes the new ability to avoid attacks of opportunity while prone. WOW! All you have to do is spend a FULL ROUND MOVE ACTION, which will effectively move you 5 feet, and with a Acrobatics check, DC = Opponent's CMD + 5 for being prone. Also you need to be lightly encumbered or less. So Sasha and Nicodemus apparently, maybe Flidder can do this. I always wondered, why can't a rogue who is flat on his ass, not tumble 5 feet to the right, I always see it in movies? I guess now you can. Also, No, doing this does not make you stand upright.
That's all for now, have a great Thanksgiving, though I will likely post afterthoughts on the quest tonight or tomorrow morning.
Game Hard, Game Well ~ DM/GM
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