For anyone curious about how "bad-ass" Buse is roughly, see the above picture.
I am going to try and make an effort on days after the Wednesday session to write about questions, concerns, and maybe even evaluate performance. Why? Because nothing better strokes my ego, that and to make gaming sessions better.
First let me talk about magic item shops... Most things in D&D don't happen in real time. Your visit to the magic item emporium was an exception. We need to streamline shop visits. So I will do you all the favor of letting you know a week ahead of time that you may have a chance to visit a shop.
What I want from you guys is this, a list of what you are selling, and its listed market price. If Nicodemus hadn't taken the time last week to look up all that stuff and put it in a big batch for selling, that trip would have taken forever. Secondly on another list, 5 things you want from a magic item shop, have their price and what they do predetermined. Sabellion thank you for going the extra mile and having that ready, I should have told you all to have that ready. I will, in the future inform you of the price cap for said magical shop ahead of time, so we avoid that fiasco. That was my bad I should have told you that there are some limits. Also, I think I said it, but those people with cohort can ask for two things on their own list, and they have to be for THEIR OWN use. If these things are done magic item shopping will be quick, fun and maybe exciting.
Here's the condensed list from the above paragraph (man I write a lot)
1. Week ahead of time you will get notice of a shop, and the price cap on requests.
2. List of what you are selling (market price too)
3. 5 items for what you want (2 for cohorts, and mind price cap)
A final note about magic items. If it is in the 3.5 "DM's guide" its probably fine, just check that they do the same thing between 3.5 and 3.75. If its in the "Magic Item Compendium" get permission from me first after I review it.
Now that the dirty business of magic items is done, I got some pats on the back to give out. To everyone, you dealt with 4 6th level (pathfinder) fighters, and 2 6th level (pathfinder) wizards. (Well Buse kinda cleared up those two... they were stuck in the air and had "stoneskin" on them... woulda took forever) Anyway that's roughly a CR 10, which is exactly where I want you performing. So again, you guys are at the very least performing where you should be. (based on damage taken, damage given, and spell slots used on both sides)
Worthy of an honorable mention was Crimwinkle. To be blunt Bards are not combat machines, they are generalists. However when I saw that bard throw everything he had at superior enemies, buffing, debuffing, healing, attacking, passing along intel, it was admirable. Perhaps the bar is set lower (not because he is a gnome) but when I think about ways to out of game mock Crimwinkle (like trying to hide in a field a few sessions ago) I had nothing, so kudos. (for a fighter to garnish an honorable mention he's gotta tank like 6 guys, kill em all in 3 turns, and still come out with more than half HP :-P)
Also cohort usage was very nice, Newin apparently has an offensive spell! I also think Sasha is getting used to open field combat... Two big battle and barely a dent in her HP. Also a timely "Dispel Magic" by Newin saved Sabeliion a lot of grief and damage. There were a LOT of dispel magics that combat, I guess they are all the rage now that the DM is throwing out debuffs.
Honorable mention also to Nicodemus for reminding the DM and Sabellion that he has a ring that negated the stone skin buff the wizards has on. The good news is that you killed a wizard, the bad news is that I checked on the properties of the ring, and I saw that it can only be used with MELEE attacks, not a thrown great sword (that never sounds right) Either way thanks Nicodemus for reminding us of that little treasure.
Lastly, Maive gets a quick mention for needing to go into melee and answering the call, despite breastplate armor. The use of your War domain powers were very intelligent, and likely saved you more damage. Damage that will matter next session.
Speaking of which, I don't want to talk about the specifics, but I am guaranteeing a battle before sleep or prayer is viable. (given being pressed for time) A time like this is when you should check your character for EVERY consumable you might have, any left over potions, scrolls and oils. The battle will be pretty straight up, no globes of ice with dueling paladins and blackguards. By my calculations it will be difficult though, so come with your tactics A game. If there are any wasted turns, or unused spell slots things could be a grim. (even unused HP could be a problem... Sasha can take one hit right? :-P)
I said this week that I was very excited, but in my mind only 1/3 of the excitement is over, from everything I wrote down. More to come, any questions and comments feel free to respond.
To let everyone know, I'm bringing a bunch of notebooks tomorrow so anyone who doesn't have one will have one for loot, names, places, etc. Also bringing something nifty which should help bridge the gap with spells and abilities from 3.5 to 3.75
You certainly piqued my interest.