Thanks for taking a look at the blog space I have here. I will undoubtedly customize it more in time, but for now I wish to make it a space to put things into knowledge before I forget or no longer care. I hope to also put up maps, and other digital media so you can sate your thirst for D&D any night of the week. The first purpose for this blog is to unveil my "patch" 3.75.1 . We have already been through a few versions if you think about it, early on it was 3.5 with a sprinkling of Pathfinder variants (3.6) then slowly morphed into full blown pathfinder (3.75)
Now I wish to bring up issues before I make them law in the game. Ergo I'd like input and debate about rules that need to be reigned in, or rules that are not doing enough.
Rules I am likely to make law next session.
1. Presice Strike will also read "Vital strike can not be used with a weapon that would be ordinarily to big or small for a PC."
& Yes this would stop the synergy between "Monkey grip" and "Vital Strike"
& Anyone with this feat is able to swap it out for another at our next session.
& The mechanics are still the same in essence, one attack, twice the damage dice.
Notes: This is obviously made to reign in Sabellion's rolling of 8d6 on a non-crit damage roll. As far as monsters go, most around your CR can not live very long with that as a damage roll. This massive amount in damage makes it hard as a DM to chose monsters appropriate for you to fight, they are either roughly you strength and die quickly, or are way overpowering but can keep up with Sabellion's DPS.
Furthermore "Monkey Grip" is noticeably absent in Pathfinder, even though it was a VERY popular 3.5 feat. Secondly "Vital Strike" is a new feat and likely not play tested with "Monkey Grip." Actually it may have been, and thus the lack of "Monkey Grip" in Pathfinder. This is my way of continuing to grandfather a feat into a version of D&D that has since dropped it, without bosses getting two hits to death.
For aesthetic purposes we could also reason that "Vital Strike" is a maneuver that requires a weapon that is in no way shape or form unwieldy to the user. (not being proficent, not taking a -2 because of size, etc.)
2. Magical Item Resale Value, according to page 140 of the PRPG Rule Book (the new Player's Handbook) Weapons, Armor, Gear and Magical items sell for 50% their listed value.
&This does not negate there ever being a reason to get more for item. (cleric potions)
&Gems, and other items considered trade goods keep their exact value, as they are traded as currency.
This reform is necessary if I am to keep any semblance of sanity about the monetary management of magical items. This 50% is cannon with the PRPG, and I think will suffice for the financiers in the group. I have appreciated your cooperation in being in a campaign setting where you have to seek out magic, not just go to the corner store.
3 Casting Defensively: If you want to cast a spell without provoking any attacks of opportunity, you must make a concentration check (DC 15 + double the level of the spell you’re casting)to succeed. You lose the spell if you fail.
&This is non-negotiable and appears in the PRPG on page 207
This is just one of the many rules I have yet to stumble upon in Pathfinder that has changed. For Maive, that 4th level heal went from DC 19 to DC 23. So casters keep this in mind.
4 Ray of Enfeeblement and Sabellion's Greatsword +1 of Weakening - It has not come up yet, either because Sabellion has not critted AND remembered to add a -1 str penalty, or because Sabellion did remember but Sasha did not hit him with the ray. In any case I researched it and the "weakening" bonus comes from the spell "ray of enfeeblement" thus these two penalties will never stack.
5 Death and dying: There are a few amendments to the D&D 4th edition way of kicking the bucket. Demerits are permanent until you are healed to full. Taking damage while "dying" gives you a demerit regardless of damage. Taking more than 1/2 your hit points in damage when you are knocked out, makes you start off with one demerit. Taking damage that is more than 1/2 your hit points but does not reduce you to 0 will require a Fortitude check that will determine if you got knocked out or not. Bring knocked out in this situation acts as though you had received your full HP's in subdual damage.
This is pretty much what I have so far for 3.75.1 I'd really appreciate any feedback you have and ideas for rules that need to be passes by the DM's Congress.
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ReplyDeletehow much are the ogre hooks worth? i figured out the price of everything but those.
ReplyDeleteOgre hooks are 60gp at base, and weigh 12 lbs.
ReplyDeletecool, we get 12905 gold for the ogre loot.
ReplyDeletethere goes my vital strike fun :(
ReplyDeletegreater weapon focus it is!
Pat didja remember that McKracken's ogre hook was +1 Human Bane?
ReplyDeleteBut I am hanging onto McKracken's ogre hook
ReplyDeleteyeah thats why i didnt include it. on another note the rangers owe us all the gear we gave them. but i figured they should hold on to it untill the fort is back on track.
ReplyDeletedo we still get half price if the item has a divine spell on it?
ReplyDeleteAlso, RJ, in regards to the vital strike changes, consider this:
ReplyDeleteVital Strike and large size = 8d6 + 10 damage for a single attack
No Vital Strike and large size = 4d6 + 9 for one attack, 4d6 + 9 for a second attack.
So with a crit without vital strike i have the chance for 16d6 + damage if both were crits (very unlikely)
I understand that vital strike is an automatic critical strike basically, but my potential damage without it is double what it is with it.