After perusing the final version of the Bestiary, I realized that the 3.75 Handbook version of the "reincarnate" race chances was insufficient. For instance, Bugbears are a possibility, but in the Bestiary, there are no PC stats for them. So the following table is most likely what I am going to use. I toned down the gender switch thing too. And yes, I can make a merfolk work.
01 - 07 Aasimar (no change)
08 - 10 Drow (+2 Dex / -2 Con)
11 - 19 Dwarf (+2 Con)
20 - 28 Elf (+2 Dex / -2 Con)
29 - 37 Gnome (-2 Str / +2 Con)
38 - 44 Half-elf (+2 Dex)
45 - 51 Half-orc (+2 Str)
52 - 60 Halfling (-2 Str / +2 Dex)
61 - 70 Human (+2 Con)
71 - 72 Kobold (-4 Str / +2 Dex / -2 Con)
73 - 76 Merfolk (+2 Dex / +2 Con)
77 - 78 Orc (+4 Str)
79 - 82 Svirfneblin(-2 Str / +2 Dex)
83 - 89 Tengu (+2 Dex / -2 Con)
90 - 96 Tiefling (+2 Dex)
97 - 100 Gender Change and Reroll
Of course, just because it does not have a nice stat change, does not mean the racials will suck. Aasimar have nice racials, but don't help stat blocks. Note how that even if you get reincarnated as one of the three races that chooses their +2 stat increase, this table will dictate which one you get anyway.
Pat's gonna be reincarnated and you are gonna roll a 35. He's gonna use an awesome point and you'll roll a 30. It's just going to happen.
ReplyDeleteAlso I failed YET again and triple gimped myself. I completely ignored my 2 weapon training skills which give me +1 to attack and damage with blades (greatsword, longsword, bastard sword, etc) and bows. I also left out my armor training skills and didn't decrease my armor check penalty nor increase my max dex. In light of all these ridiculous fails on my part, Sabellian sits at a +17/+12 (3d6+11) with the greatsword and +19/+14 (1d8+11) with the longsword (yes, crazy). I read through the pathfinder fighter section, feats, and abilities with a fine-toothed comb, so the failing has been substantially reduced. (until it happens again)
Lets see, +9 for level, +1 for magical bonus, +2 for weapon training, +7 strength bonus. This means that you have +18/+13 before you differentiate between great sword and long sword. Now "weapon focus" may apply, but it only works for ONE weapon. Thus you either (in the end) have a +17/+12 G sword and +18/+13 L sword, or +16/+12 G. sword and +19/+14 L sword.
ReplyDeleteIf in my deliberation I forgot a bonus please let me know. And yes that is nasty.
I test rolled already to see what Nicodemus might get on the above table. I got 80, 27, 19. That's Tiefling, Elf, Dwarf, the last two are dangerously close to Gnome. Who knows? Oh and Tengu area race of crow-like people by the way, many of them are rogues in case you didn't know.
ReplyDelete+9 for level, +1 for magical bonus, +1 for weapon training, +1 for weapon focus, +1 for greater weapon focus, +7 for strength, -2 for large size. Ok so I messed up a little (thought weapon focus follows same group selections as weapon training) so it should be a +18/+13 for greatsword and +18/+13 for longsword.
ReplyDeleteOk Sabellion here is the last word, sayeth the DM and I researched this quite thoroughly.
ReplyDeleteYour selection for weapon training should have been "blades" which incorporated both greatsword and longsword. Your weapon training then for both should be +2 (you are 9th level now) Secondly Weapon Focus is just that, focus on ONE weapon, thus Greatswords are the only weapons that benefit from this feat. (page 136) So Let's try this again
+1 Magical
+9 Base Attack Bonus
+1 Weapon Focus (works for one weapon type)
+1 G. Weapon Focus(again only one weapon)
+7 Strength
+2 Weapon Training
-2 Monkey Grip
+19 to hit
+1 Magical
+9 Base Attack Bonus
+7 Strength
+2 Weapon Training
-2 For using a Tower Sheild (page 153)
+17 to hit
Damage is as following. Note that weapon Specialization only works for one weapon. (page 137) This is also ignoring any other conditional bonuses like being large or power attacking.
+1 Magical
+7 Strength
+2 Weapon Training
+2 Weapon Specialization (only one weapon)
+12 damage
+1 magical
+7 Strength
+2 Weapon Training
+10 damage
Any questions yet again, feel free to ask forth.
I wouldnt mind being a few of those races. but Nic's soul is not willing to come back as a gnome. I dont know any racials for half the things you list, any way you could send me the beastiary? I was kind of hoping to be a Bugbear, they have nice racials in 3.5. Also i didnt think there were any Drow in your world. On another note im so fucking glad Sabellian is on our side.
ReplyDeleteLol thanks Pat. Also, RJ:
ReplyDelete"For example, when a fighter reaches 9th level,
he receives a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with one weapon group and a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls with the weapon group selected at 5th level."
My second weapon training was in bows so i have a +1 bonus to them as well as a +2 to blades. Stuff is corrected, and i can stop gimping myself.
Touche Nicodemus, Drow do not exist, dark elves do. The reason I am allowing you to burn an awesome point is so you can avoid being a gnome. Don't worry about the racials, its a random roll. Bugbears are not eligible in my game to be a PC, the Bestiary does not support it, though the reincarnation spell says it does. (kind of a pathfinder fuck up)
ReplyDeleteIn the end I appreciate your willingness to learn new races, but it'll be random. No race I listed has racial abilities to earn it level adjustments, so there is really no great choice. Also your chance for being a women is lessened significantly.
Lastly, I hope you remember what you put as a +2 into for your Human stat bonus, because it temporarily comes out for reincarnation.
ummm....can I be reincarnated as a real drow? Here's the plan, Nic gets reincarnated as a gnome and in his cute little gnomish rage he kills me and then I get reincarnated as a drow(not a broken elf) and look awesome and get cool racials. Also I believe this would make my potential baby much cuter to be half drow, 1/4 surface elf and 1/4 human.
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Newfags can't triforce. (inside joke for 4chaners)
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Bored at school :P