Its a working title anyway. Yes, I come with much news about the (campaign's) new direction, news about direct aftermath from the battle with Aden, the war in Omach, and even about next week.
First chronologically, I am officially awarding Nicodemus with an Awesome Point, post facto. I had a lot of stuff to consider while running a battle, I did not think about Nicodemus running, jumping over two soldiers, landing INSIDE a strange foreign black flame, and indiscriminately attacking it. This met all the requirements, of acting outside the normal rule (who jumps over people?), having no way to know the end result, and putting his life at risk just to look... AWESOME.
First we have two dead motherfuckers. So lets talk options. There are two spells available to return you to the mortal coil. Reincarnation (Drayfil likes you guys) or Raise Dead (new high priest of Omach likes you guys too).
Reincarnate costs 1000gp and you get no Negative levels. However you may come back as any one of these races. (rolled randomly) Bugbear, Dwarf, Elf, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Half-elf, Half-Orc, Halfing, Human, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Orc, Troglodyte, or Kender. This ultimately means that you will be in a NEW body (even if the same race) and your gender has a 50% chance of changing. These new races MAY change your physical scores(str,dex,con), however the mental scores remain. (int,wis,cha) All class abilities, and feats remain as well. Racial abilities (not feats) will change. This is the cheaper option, and usually advantageous to Humans who already have their bonus feat and skill points locked down, especially if you are a mentally oriented human.
Raise dead costs 5000gp, and you get 2 permanent negative levels. To remove the negative levels, you'll have to pay Maive 2000gp for the material cost of two restoration spells, and would require two weeks of waiting, as per spell rules. So really you are looking at 7000gp. This is a better option for people that can't replace their race. (Dragonborn) And, no, you can't be reincarnated, then go through the process to become a Dragonborn again. Its a "once in a lifetime" kinda thing, not a "once in a body" kinda thing.
Right... so dead people are dealt with. Experience is figured out.
50 Dumbass Soldiers - 1600
Getting the Thralls to book it - 1000
Aden the epic, epic - 9600
Having a dragon battle above you - 10 (also known as LOL at Nicodemus)
Grand Total - 12210
I am pretty sure someone dinged... probably the three original characters. This means two things. First have an idea of what you want to do, there is 9th level feat to consider, and all the normal accoutrement. Second, to the two people that have cohorts, they will level up. (FINALLY SASHA!!) I am in control of their leveling up. So I'll try to have my stuff together for them, new spell level I think, and also Sasha can finally FLY!!! ( Idon't mean to rub it in Sabellion)
Alright after much consideration, there will be a 1 year layover. That means you have a year to do whatever, work on the Fort, get some mileage on those followers, brew potions, make money, make enemies, make friends, travel if need be, research long standing questions, pursue romantic relationship (even unexpected ones like in the case of Crimwinkle), get married (or domestic partnership :-P), you even have time to have a baby! If you are anywhere near Omach you can also be revered as legendary heroes. Those are just ideas, what I want from you is plan, not a prospectus on how you will use your time. Good ideas will be rewarded, bad ideas will be punished, and dumb ideas will be ignored with a swift eye-roll. I have all these chips... who wants them?
So come with something, anything written down, about your plans. That is your half, my half is that I will come at you with personalized solo-quests. I will also have some fun activities to pacify your A.D.D. while someone is on a solo-quest. As of now that is all the news that is fit to print.
Comment me with questions NOW!!!! So you don't make me dig through a book for 15 minuets to finally say, "I Don't Know."
On a personal note, thanks Aden was Epic and I enjoyed it.